If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.
John Dewey ”Democracy and Education” 1916.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Parents!
We cordially invite you to a unique school – the International High School of Wroclaw. The International High School of Wroclaw is a unique school because it is very modern, and at the same time, it draws on 30 years of learning experiences of Foundation of International Education (FIE) and standards of the best international institutions in the world. The above-quoted words of John Dewey, a prominent American educator, have accompanied FIE schools since 1990, when the first of them was founded.

Get to know us better

Head of School Letter
International High School of Wroclaw – a school which offers the best educational curriuclum you can find in Wroclaw: IB Diploma Program. Schoool’s success is based on over 30 years of educational experience of its governing body: Foundation of International Education.

International Baccalaureate
Do you dream of studying at an renowned university? International Baccalureate (IB Diploma Programme) will help you realize those dreams. Our high school has rights of a Polish public school and a status of an IB World School.

The Mission of our school is to educate in a way that enables students to fully develop their abilities and talents. We instil self-confidence in them so that they can achieve success reflecting their individual abilities.

Learning in English
Foreign language teaching at the International High School of Wroclaw is one of the most important features on our curriculum. We employ highly qualified staff, including native speakers of English and prepare for International Baccalaureate and further studies in English.

The teaching staff of our school is a team of experienced professionals specialising in teaching in bilingual and international schools. They constantly increase their qualifications, participating in IB international training courses.

We offer learning in the most modern, state-of-the-art facilites. Our purposely built campus was opened in 2016 in Raclawicka Street 101 in Wroclaw. It is one of the most modern school facilities in Poland and was awarded in an architectural contest “Beautiful Wroclaw” in 2017.
![Side view of a group of teenage friends sitting next to each other in a line and looking at the camera.
A global learning community
A multicultural High School community is created by young people of both Polish and international origin. Among them there are graduates of various secondary schools (including the ATUT Bilingual Secondary School) and graduates of international schools (including the Wroclaw Internationl School).

A non-for-profit school
Foundation of International Education – the governing body of our high school – is a Polish public charity. Its aim it to provide international education and support talents. 1% of income tax can be dedicated to the development of the school’s educational offer.

Development plans
The areas in which we particularly want to develop in the coming years include: perfecting of our educational offer, further development of the qualifications of our staff and development of the most modern technologies supporting education.
“Success thanks to cooperation. A modern school can not exist without parents”
Parents play a special role in the life of International High School of Wroclaw. A close cooperation with the school authorities is guaranted throuth their participation in Parent Teacher Association – a social body, which supports the Head of School and the faculty in development of the educational offer.